夏祭り2015 // Natsu Matsuri 2015
posted on Saturday 22 August 2015 at 23:59

Attended this year's Natsu Matsuri with my love〜

Decided on a pink yukata, along with a simple odango bun for this year's!
The following illustration shows, more or less, how I did my hair; albeit slightly neater to keep the hairstyle in shape throughout the day. Due to my hair's length and thickness, it's also relatively heavy.
今年の浴衣はピンクの〜♪ これはお団子ヘアの一番簡単な作り方だと思う。
As usual I took tons of selcas and photos, so...
今日いっぱい写真を撮ったから… (*ˊ˘ˋ*)

The food from the vendors gets better and better with each year's Natsu Matsuri!
With the sweltering heat and humidity(from the weather and crowd), we found relief in ice cream.
As usual, the food stalls' queues were long. But we managed to get our food & drinks rather quickly~

シンガポールは毎日暑過ぎて、我慢できないなあー 湿疹がある人にすごく悪いから。でも、これはシンガポールの天気だから、仕方が無いね… “祭りせんべい”と綿菓子とアイスクリームを食べた!美味しかった〜

Night came and the Bon Odori started. I feel that the amount of attendees have increased significantly these past few years. We joined in the formed circle with everyone else and it was so much fun!☺

Thank you for bringing me again this year, my love. 大好きだよ!

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